
2024年1月29日 - EN

South Africa's Agulhas long-billed lark: adapting and surviving despite farming taking over their nesting grounds
Albatrosses are threatened with extinction - and climate change could put their nesting sites at risk
In the Galapagos, Urban Finches Fare Better Against Vampire Fly - UConn Today
Gulls swap natural for urban habitats, machine-learning study finds
Sparrows uniquely adapted to Bay Area marshes are losing their uniqueness
Prince Albert had nothing to do with the lyrebird bearing his name. Should our birds be named after people?
Yirlinkirrkirr baleh? Bininj Kunwok: "Grasswren where?"
Get dunked on: these Indonesian cockatoos dunk their biscuits in water
On Mallorca, Gull Dinner Features Spanish Olives | Hakai Magazine
Newly Discovered, Parrot-Like Dinosaur Roamed North America Alongside T. Rex
Mismatched timing: How climate change challenges bird migration
Africa's raptors at risk of extinction
Climate change: Four new emperor penguin groups found by satellite
RSPB Garden Birdwatch 2024: Fewer wild birds visiting UK gardens
Owls may actually be able to turn their heads a full 360 degrees
Microplastics may be accumulating at a high rate in endangered Galápagos penguins' food web
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