
2023年12月8日 - EN

Study: Light pollution is luring birds to cities - and sometimes to their deaths - Warner College of Natural Resources
Bird feeding may give humans something to chirp about
Wellington welcomes wild-born kiwi for first time in 150 years
New study finds that male pathology in songbirds drives avian epidemic dynamics
Bird behavior study finds jays jump in while crows hold out for the treat
Feds propose shooting one owl to save another in Pacific Northwest
Why dozens of North American bird species are getting new names: Every name tells a story
Wild birds lead people to honey - and learn from them
Avian supergene study explores the evolutionary paradox behind the unusual mating strategies of the ruff
This bird escaped extinction - but its genes hint at an ominous future
Do winged animals ever suffer comparable mishaps to aircraft? Part two
An Unwavering Focus
More than 210 Organizations Unite to Press for Migratory Birds Conservation Act
South American Bird Makes Rare Appearance in Texas, Thousands of Miles From Home
Why does Pantone have a color of the year? It started with ... birds
Scientists Re-examine Ancient Bird-like Tracks from Southern Africa
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仲良し親子? 田んぼに5羽のハクチョウ飛来 京都・京丹後 | 毎日新聞
ムクドリの群れに1羽 ギンムクドリ、和歌山・田辺市で野鳥愛好者が撮影:紀伊民報AGARA|和歌山県のニュースサイト
ハクチョウ飛来ピーク 瓢湖
住所は町役場、雨の日はお寝坊さん? 飯島にチョウゲンボウ住み着く:中日新聞Web
ハトの巣を勝手に撤去したら法律違反!? 罰金の可能性も 野生の鳥に関する意外な落とし穴≠ニは|熊本日日新聞社
岐阜市を悩ますカラスの大群、市街地に4000羽超 糞害発生「気味が悪い」:中日新聞Web
「まるでクリスマスツリー」 冬の信州を訪れ樹木を赤と黄色に彩ったのは...(信濃毎日新聞デジタル) - Yahoo!ニュース
オシドリ続々、年末には800羽へ 鳥取県日野町 | 中国新聞デジタル
タンチョウの分布を全道調査を開始 幕別でも4羽を確認(十勝毎日新聞)
キウイのひな誕生、野生では150年ぶり NZ首都:時事ドットコム
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